Tip #39 Establish Ground Rules for Effective Board Meetings

December 1, 2018  |  tips for effective boards

Board meetings run more smoothly and produce better decisions when board members are clear about board meeting expectations and are committed to complying with these expectations.  Clear shared expectations prompt positive boardroom behaviors and make it easier to correct any unwanted boardroom behaviors that may arise.

So, take some time as a board to specify your shared expectations about your board meetings, your ground rules for effective board meetings.

Some “ground rules” you may wish to consider follow:

  1. Expect board meeting attendance.  (Have bylaws address absenteeism.)
  2. Arrive on time.
  3. Come prepared.
  4. Turn off cell phones.
  5. Actively participate and express your own opinions but don’t dominate.
  6. Listen attentively to others to understand.
  7. Don’t interrupt others.
  8. Attack issues and not each other.
  9. Welcome everyone’s ideas.
  10. Encourage differing points of view.
  11. Set expectation that only one person talks at a time.
  12. Don’t allow side conversations.
  13. Focus on governance issues.
  14. Avoid over-involvement in operational matters.
  15. Expect everyone to accept responsibility for a successful meeting.
  16. Hold each other accountable for following the ground rules.

Pick some of these if you wish and/or other “ground rules” for your board.  Commit these to writing, incorporating them into your board policy manual and/or posting them on a wall in your board meeting room.

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